What does freedom feel like to you? In your body and psyche, what are the necessary ingredients to actually feel spacious, grounded, nourished and E X P A N S I V E ?

You can have all the money in the world and not feel free. You can have all the free time in the world and not feel purpose. You can have everything beautiful externally and not feel worth.

For me that’s what freedom comes down to WORTH, PUROSE & EMBODIMENT.

It might not be the typical response … but to my relationship to FEELING FREE and EXPANSIVE is tied deeply to those three words.

If I feel those experiences in my body, it is my inner indicator that I am living ON PURPOSE … and that is ultimately what freedom feeds in my life.

Embodiment not just in how I move my body and live in relationship to my feminine energy, and am embodied in my integrity and PURPOSE.

My purpose is directly related to my embodiment.

And my worth is directly related to my purpose.

If I don’t feel in my purpose, I don’t feel in my worth. And if I’m not in alignment with my embodiment, it throws the other two off.

There is reciprocity breathing between all three.

And being in alignment has been a really big challenge for me until last year.

The biggest challenge I had was making money in a way that felt connected to my purpose.

Money is such a primal thing. You can feel amazing in every other area of your life, but if the money piece is off its amazing how much it can create such internal chaos.

I need to make money feeling in alignment and ON PURPOSE.

And I need to feel like my feminine isn’t sacrificed in the name of success.

Because FREEDOM isn’t just a place you get to one day. It’s a F E E L I NG you get to cultivate day to day, along the way.

What would it mean to truly experience that frequency of being each day?

What does it feel like in your body? Where does it live? Is there a sensation or texture to it?

Mine lives in my heart … is a warm, elevated frequency that feels a lot like joy ❤️‍🔥

Is embodiment, money or purpose a part of your experience of freedom?

If yes and you’re ready for deeper freedom, check out the Frequency & Freedom Masterclass! Give yourself about an hour for each class.

You can get all the replays right here ⚡️🤍💸

Reach out to me here if you want to discuss getting started with creating your own freedom frequency with all the tools to create an additional stream of income, right now!

Art @eliapelle

Ashly Wolf
Ashly is the creator of which seeks to uplift, inspire and educate women about their body, their sensuality, their femininity, their connection to spirit and to help them reclaim their powerful role as women within society. Ashly is also the founder of, where she coaches women on radical self love and guides them towards living a life filled with confidence and desire.