purchase a healy.

‘the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in a decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence”


the devices

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.

  • This includes the Gold, Resonance, Resonance Plus and Professional models. These devices are worn on directly the body and electrical current is delivered via the wrist straps, electrodes or the Tesla coil (the coil is makes the device “hands free” without the use of wires, and interacts directly with the information field).

  • The Mag Healy harmonizes your environment by generating a magnetic field up to 10 ft in diameter. This device also has programs to structure your water and has programs that can be directly run on the body as well. Message me for a quick video on how the Mag Works!

  • The coil allows your Healy to become wire free and works by generating a magnetic field (I highly suggest purchasing with your personal device)!

  • With each device there is the option to add customized frequencies or add accessory programs. One of my personal add ons is the Animal Kit, my dogs LOVE the frequencies!

The notion of your light body isn’t esoteric, its electromagnetic.

Without electricity, you wouldn’t be reading this right now. Not because your lights or your computer wouldn’t turn on but because your brain wouldn’t turn on. At every moment, tiny electrical impulses are traveling through your entire body, controlling and regulating everything you do: walking, eating, dancing, sleeping, dreaming. It’s all happening thanks to the information conveyed by the transmission of these electrical impulses which travel to and rom the brain to nerve branches extending throughout the body.

The building blocks of your electrical body are your cells, which are designed to generate and conduct electricity. There is an optimum range of voltage across your cell membranes. The electrical signaling of your cells makes everything happen in your body.

You likely know that your brain and nervous system operate on electricity. Doctors can monitor the electrical activity of your brain using an EEG machine, which records brain waves — synchronized electrical impulses from groups of neurons communicating with one another. The frequency of these waves (alpha, gamma, theta …) are what determine whether your mind is alert or calm, waking or sleeping, focused or wandering.

Your heart is the other major center of electrical activity in your body. Your heart is an electrically driven oscillator that maintains the rhythm of your enter organism. An electrocardiogram, or EKG, monitors the electrical activity of your heart, and a pacemaker regulates it. In fact, the hearts electric field is approximately sixty times greater in amplitude than that of the brain, according to research at the HeartMath Institute. And the electric field of the heart is deeply impacted by our emotions which are electromagnetic wave forms.

As HeartMath cofounder Howard Martin explains:

“The electrical energy produced by the heart radiates out side the body into space. The hearts field is not static. It changes, depending on what we are feeling. For example, when we are feeling emotions like anger or frustration the frequencies in the filed become chaotic and discorded. On the other hand when we are experiencing emotions like compassion, care, appreciation or love, the frequencies in the field become more ordered, and coherent. In a sense, through the electromagnetic filed, created by the heart, we are literally broadcasting emotions like radio waves.”

Lets not stop there. Your muscles, your fascia, your entire collagen microfiber network are electrical semiconductors. Even the densest part of your being, your bones are piezoelectric crystalline structures that make electricity when they’re compressed, which happens whenever you dance or run or move around. Your blood carries an electric charge. Panasonic is currently exploring how human blood could be used to power electrical devices by conducting research on how blood breaks down sugars to generate energy.

Your body is also comprised of up to 60 percent water (and by some accounts, more) which conducts sound and electricity. In fact, the salt water in our bodies (made up for roughly 0.6 percent salt content) may be one of the main vehicles for the transmission of electricity throughout the body.

You get the idea: your entire body is a battery. You were designed to conduct and run on electricity, and every part of you carries an electrical charge.”



Do you desire financial freedom, community & deeper alignment with your embodiment?

“SHAKTI BODY” is the free mentorship available to you when you join my Healy team!

Here’s what it looks like:

Embodiment practices (we dive deeply into 2nd chakra & Shakti because your money & embodiment are connected!)

Tools to clear imprints of scarcity and ground in feminine magnetism

Weekly Healy team coaching calls + 1:1 business support from me

A complete frequency resource library to learn and share from

Business in a box! all the tools you need to build sustainable, leveraged income right now

Direct access to our Healy leadership team: 6 & 7 figure mentors and an amazing community that wants to support you and see you win!

If this calls to you, and you feel a longing for deeper alignment with your frequency, sensuality and relationship with money, fill out this short form and I’ll be in touch!

The biz component isn’t required — for many just owning a Healy is enough! But it can be a great asset if you feel called to anything I’m sharing here.


questions CHOOSING the right healy for you?

dm @femme.rising on Instagram


email admin@femmerising.com