Frequency is the measurement of energy. It is defined as a measurable rate of electrical energy that is constant between any two points.

Each cell in our body operates on an electrical current … meaning, our body’s are electromagnetic in nature.

While its hard for our human minds to conceptualize, we are actually 99.99999999999999% space. What we know as perceivable, material reality is only .0001% of the quantum field.

Everything else is space. Quite literally, space filled with electrical f r e q u e n c i e s .

Everything in the universe has a vibrating frequency, properly called a resonant frequency.

A “resonant frequency” is the oscillation of a system at its natural or unforced resonance.

Resonance or “resonant frequency” in our body and bio-field is achieved when there is optimal electrical balance operating through our entire system, bio-molecularly (blood, organs, muscles, connective tissue, skin) and bio-energetically (chakras, meridians and auric field).

Because we are inherently electrical beings, this means that frequency imbalances in our body and bio-field affecting our health or vitality can be brought into balance and resonance by using microcurrent technology such as Healy!

Healy in 12 minutes

Using micro current technology, Healy is communicating directly with your DNA,
cellular structure and bio-energetic field.

It picks up on where you are out of resonance, and it delivers exactly the frequency, energy and vibration that is required by you in any given moment for the greatest coherence.

about frequency technology

  • Frequency-specific micro-current therapy, also known as F.S.M.T. consists of introducing a very gentle electric current to the area of need to accelerate the healing process.

    It is a non-invasive therapy revolutionizing pain management and health optimization.

    Contrary to what you might think, frequency therapy has been around since the 1900s! Click here to learn about the science and history.

  • The Healy device is a lightweight, personal frequency device that merges health, spirituality, science, and technology.

    Unique to any frequency technology of its kind, its quantum sensor scans our original blueprint and identifies everything within our physical body & energetic field that is not in alignment.

    It then recommends unique frequency programs that shift those frequency based incongruencies, bringing us back into coherence, balance & alignment.

  • The Healy™ and TimeWaver® products were invented & developed by quantum physicist and Vedic monk, Marcus Schmieke. He also founded the Institute for Applied Consciousness Research.

    For decades Marcus dreamed about introducing more people to the benefits of the TimeWaver products in a more simple & compact version and so Healy was invented. These are wearable frequency devices and are FDA cleared.

  • NIH Biofield Science and Healing: History, Terminology, and Concepts

    Intro into the Science of Microcurrent with Carolyn McMakin, a pioneer of Microcurrent technology

    The Effect of Microcurrent Frequencies on the Bioelectric Field of Cells and Tissues by Healy creator, Marcus Schmieke
