In ancient yogic science, Shakti is the Goddess that is the force behind all energy, matter, movement, change, and transformation, and is said to be the source of all creative power.

In ancient yogic science, Shakti is the Goddess that is the force behind all energy, matter, movement, change, and transformation, and is said to be the source of all creative power. What the yogis knew thousands of years ago, is that Shakti is the quantum field.

In the quantum field, energy is also a fundamental aspect of reality, and is thought to be the basis of all matter and motion. The quantum field is a theoretical concept in physics that describes the underlying fabric of reality.

It is the medium through which all particles and waves interact, and is thought to be the source of all matter and energy in the universe. Shakti and the quantum field have different names in modern day: but they are the same thing.

Modern science is just now validating what the yogis knew thousands of years ago (!!) They knew Shakti as the underlying force of all vibratory matter, manifest and unmanifest. Seen and unseen.

They understood her as the Goddess of Creation, as S P A N D A itself … a Sanskrit word for the pulsing, vibrating frequencies in which all matter arises from.

Shiva, Shakti, and the quantum field all represent different aspects of the same underlying reality, and that they are intimately connected with each other. Shiva (because we can’t leave him out of this Science + Spirit conversation) is seen as the consciousness that underlies all of existence, while Shakti is the force that animates and manifests matter within that existence.

Similarly, the quantum field is seen as the underlying fabric of reality, from which all physical matter and energy arises.


Art by Julia Corbett @reclaimdivineessence

Shiva, Shakti, and the quantum field all represent different aspects of the same underlying reality, and that they are intimately connected with each other. Shiva (because we can’t leave him out of this Science + Spirit conversation) is seen as the consciousness that underlies all of existence, while Shakti is the force that animates and manifests matter within that existence.

Similarly, the quantum field is seen as the underlying fabric of reality, from which all physical matter and energy arises.

Healy interfaces directly with the quantum field.

Physics has proven we are not separate from the quantum. We are literally swimming in it. Our thoughts are drifting through it. And our energy is in direct contact with it. This means your body and consciousness is part of the quantum field.

Everything is in reality is a vibration. Each vibration has a frequency. Physical matter (like our body) is made up of frequencies vibrating at different rates, our cells operate on electrical charge, our organs put out vibration and out thoughts and emotions are all vibrationally based).

As such, Healy is able to scan the frequency of your body, subconscious mind and energy field — and send you the customized frequencies in real time you need to come into your highest state of being.

You and I could be sitting next to each other and do a “scan” and come up with the same program suggestion — but the frequencies generated for that program would be completely unique. Because your are scanned everything 10 seconds to receive the exact frequencies you need — the frequencies for your program would be completely different than the frequencies I receive.

“Shakti and the quantum field have different names in modern day:

but they are the same thing.”

When we do breath work, yoga, and mantra — we are activating our cellular structure. One of the reasons these practices are so power is that they activate our cellular charge and harmonize our brain waves — which results in embodying certain frequencies.

Similarly, when we work with the chakras — which are specific energy centers that are physically bundles of nerves (and meridians in Chinese medicine) we are activating our cellular potential.

This cellular potential is what contributes to the health, vitality, elevated status of consciousness and mysticism the yogis experience.

Healy isn’t a magic bullet or a replacement for such practices — but it works in the same way.

Healy activates cellular potential (studies on Microcurrent technology are shown to increase ATP (the energy within a cell) production by 500%) and can access the subconscious layer of our consciousness to bring us into our highest resonance and coherence physically, cognitively, emotionally, energetically and spiritually.

It is truly a visionary technology based off of an ancient science. In fact, it was created by a Quantum Physicist and Vedic Monk, Marcus Schmieke — who after over a decade of living as a Vedic Monk (the Vedas are a group of texts over 5,000 years old and what yoga descend from) had a dream to merge science and spirit in a way that would serve the positive evolution of humanity.

As someone who has experience teaching Shakti, sensuality and nearly 2 decades of being a yogi — Healy has become the most transformative aspect of daily practice since I was first introduced to Shakti over a decade ago.

Are you curious about Healy?

Whether you feel the call to get a Healy for your own personal revolution and resonance — or you feel called to the new paradigm business model, click here & let’s chat about how Healy might support you!

Ashly Wolf
Ashly is the creator of which seeks to uplift, inspire and educate women about their body, their sensuality, their femininity, their connection to spirit and to help them reclaim their powerful role as women within society. Ashly is also the founder of, where she coaches women on radical self love and guides them towards living a life filled with confidence and desire.