If you’ve been with femme rising for awhile, you’ll know I was quiET for a long time.

For many reasons, I took a step back from Femme Rising as a business.

For one, despite my absolute LOVE for teaching OYOGA (a sensual style of yoga that combines breath work, Tantric sensuality practices and yoga) I have been battling back injury for the past number of years.

Due to the unique nature of the postures and practices in OYOGA, I really need to be able to demo the movements — and my injury eventually made it difficult to impossible for me to teach.

And the truth is, FR was a business based on sensuality, embodiment and empowerment. In addition to OYOGA, I taught women how to track their cycles and live in alignment with their deeper feminine nature. The deep irony was, running FR as a business took me out of my embodiment.

My Shakti was drained, and I was burned out being a soloprenuer. I loved my in person classes and retreats, but they weren’t possible anymore — and I consistently had challenges mainiting FR financially.

So I took a pause. I didn’t now how long that pause would end up being (years in fact) … and it wasn’t until Healy came into my life and literally jump started my cells — that I felt Femme Rising come alive again.

My journey into frequency technology took me by surprise but came right on time. Of course my Tantric, Shakti roots would lead the way to a modern technology rooted in the same ancient science.

So fast forward to the new vision!

Last year I had my first back surgery (a microdisccectomy) … and I’m soon about to have my second (a spinal fusion) … and stay tuned, because maybe OYOGA is coming back??!

Femme Rising still deeply stands for embodiment and empowerment.

What I’ve realized from this lived experience is how deeply our relationship money and business affect our embodiment. And how often, money is left out of the conversation when it comes to thriving in body, mind and spirit!

You can literally be in the juiciest stage of radiating Shakti — but if you’re in a state of fear and scarcity because you don’t know how you are going to make ends meet or if you are showing up depleted because you are pouring everything into your business but its not producing financial reciprocity — that is going to deeply affect your embodiment.

And on that note … who taught us that money wasn’t spiritual??

Yes, of course there is capitalist greed. But money is a currency, just like energy. Its not inherently bad, its our relationship with it, and how we interact with it that matters.

And what does this have to do with our embodiment?


Original Art @kaleiraher

Because It’s all 2nd chakra baby!


All these energies live in the 2nd Chakra, which is also the home of our identity and expression in the world.

Safety is a huge element of the 2nd Chakra, do you feel safe to express yourself fully and safety in having your needs met? Our freedom and safety to self express & embody oneself fully are *deeply interconnected* with this energy center in the body.

And ALL of these aspects are deeply connected to your relationship with money.

All of these energetics live in the womb space.  Creation, abundance, safety, expression.

When we look at it like this, we can see how our relationship with money plays into our worth & embodiment. And we can also see that money if generated in a way that respects our alignment & nourishment; is actually, incredibly spiritual.

We are METAphysical beings!

This means that the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual & financial aspects of life all impact us as a whole 👏🏼 being.

So …. how is your money affecting your embodiment …. ?

If this resonates and you:

🕊️ are ready to experience financial freedom

🕊️ long for a community with a shared vision to collaborate with

🕊️ desire making money in a way that feels aligned with a bigger purpose

We are creating a new way with leveraged income.

A nourished way, a healing way, a collaborative way & a lucrative way all based around freedom + frequency!

For many it sounds too good to be true, but seeing is believing! I wanted to share part of my story of where I’ve been and what happened … because its key — and I know I’m not alone.

I went from burnt out and isolated to nourished and surrounded by the kind of women I want to learn, grow and change the world with!

I went from struggling and being pulled out of my embodiment running a soul based business, to operating on frequency, aligned action and feeling deeply, deeply fulfilled.

If this calls to you I’d love to welcome you to our Healy lineage.

Because how we do life is how we do business and how we do business is how we do life. Here we do it with nourishment, the power of frequency, community and leveraged income.

If this is pulling on your heart strings and feels like a big YES deep in side, click here to learn more or if you are curious to join us 🕊️🤍

Ashly Wolf
Ashly is the creator of FemmeRising.com which seeks to uplift, inspire and educate women about their body, their sensuality, their femininity, their connection to spirit and to help them reclaim their powerful role as women within society. Ashly is also the founder of HealthySexyHungry.com, where she coaches women on radical self love and guides them towards living a life filled with confidence and desire.

